
Problem 501

Find the value of 14650e0.157(2)14650 e^{-0.157 \cdot(-2)}.

See Solution

Problem 502

Differentiate the function f(x)=x74e8xf(x) = x^7 - 4e^{8x} to find f(x)f'(x).

See Solution

Problem 503

Estimate the numerical limit of limx0ln(5x+10)ln(10)5\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\ln(5x+10) - \ln(10)}{5} or state that it does not exist. Give the answer to at least three decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 504

Find the derivative yy' of y=cot1(t)y=\cot^{-1}(\sqrt{t}).

See Solution

Problem 505

Find the derivative of y=lntanxy=\ln \sqrt{\tan x} evaluated at x=π4x=\frac{\pi}{4}.

See Solution

Problem 506

Find the rate of change of volume, in cubic centimeters per minute, when a spherical balloon's radius increases at 3 cm/min and is 10 cm.
V=(4/3)πr3V = (4/3) \pi r^3, where rr is the radius.

See Solution

Problem 507

Find the indefinite integral of 5dx5 dx.

See Solution

Problem 508

Solve for xx in the equation 4=ln(x+5)34=\frac{\ln (x+5)}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 509

Find the vertical asymptote of the logarithmic function g(x)=log4(x+7)g(x) = \log_4(x+7).

See Solution

Problem 510

Find the limit of g(x)g(x) as xx approaches 1, given that 2xg(x)x4x2+22x \leq g(x) \leq x^4 - x^2 + 2 for all x0x \geq 0.

See Solution

Problem 511

Find the end behavior of the quadratic function D(x)=49x2D(x) = 49 - x^2.

See Solution

Problem 512

Rewrite the exponential function x(t)=(1.45)t2x(t)=(1.45)^{\frac{t}{2}} in the form y=a(1+r)ty=a(1+r)^{t} or y=a(1r)ty=a(1-r)^{t} to determine growth or decay. Round aa and rr to nearest hundredth.

See Solution

Problem 513

Sketch the graph of g(t)=(0.5)tg(t) = (0.5)^t to determine the sign of g(2)g'(2). Then, use a small interval to estimate g(2)g'(2) rounded to three decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 514

Find the antiderivative of the rational function 2x5+10x2+7x4\frac{2 x^{5}+10 x^{2}+7}{x^{4}}.

See Solution

Problem 515

Find the value of e0.5e^{-0.5}.

See Solution

Problem 516

Find the displacement of a mass suspended on a spring, with velocity v(t)=7sin(t)+7cos(t)v(t) = 7 \sin (t) + 7 \cos (t), between t=3t = 3 and t=8t = 8 seconds. Give the answer to at least three decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 517

Find the interval on which the function f(x)=4+log2(42x)f(x) = 4 + \log_2(4 - 2x) is decreasing.

See Solution

Problem 518

Find the value of tt where the logistic function y=M1+cekMty=\frac{M}{1+c e^{-k M t}} equals M2\frac{M}{2}.

See Solution

Problem 519

Find the value of xx when y=a+blnxy = a + b \ln x, given a=12.3301088919a = 12.3301088919 and b=8.22097130319b = -8.22097130319, and y=16y = -16.

See Solution

Problem 520

Complete the exponential decay table: Original Amount: 19,00019,000, Decay Rate: 13%13\% per year, Years: 1818, Final Amount after 1818 years of decay.

See Solution

Problem 521

Find the demand function D(p)=2p26p+300D(p) = -2p^2 - 6p + 300 and its rate of change w.r.t. price pp. Interpret the rate of change when p=$11p = \$11.

See Solution

Problem 522

Find the time (in seconds) when Ana, who dives from a high springboard, hits the water given the height model h(x)=5(x+1)(x3)h(x) = -5(x+1)(x-3).

See Solution

Problem 523

Evaluate limx1x1x1\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} \frac{\sqrt{x}-1}{x-1} using the provided table of xx and f(x)f(x) values.

See Solution

Problem 524

Solve for time tt in the equation r=r0+12at2r = r_0 + \frac{1}{2}at^2, where r0r_0 and aa are known constants.

See Solution

Problem 525

Differentiate the function f(θ)=secθ5+secθf(\theta) = \frac{\sec \theta}{5 + \sec \theta}.

See Solution

Problem 526

Find the derivative of 5x24\sqrt{5 x^{2}-4} with respect to xx.

See Solution

Problem 527

Evaluate the definite integral of 4ye2y\frac{4y}{e^{2y}} from 0 to 1.

See Solution

Problem 528

Solve the following exponential equations: a. e0.2t=9e^{-0.2 t}=9, b. ekt=15e^{k t}=\frac{1}{5}, c. e(ln0.4)t=0.7e^{(\ln 0.4) t}=0.7.

See Solution

Problem 529

Prove there is at least one negative solution to ex=xe^{x} = -x using the Intermediate Value Theorem. Approximate this solution using the bisection method with error at most 0.01.

See Solution

Problem 530

Find the derivative of f(x)=5x4(x32)f(x) = 5x^4(x^3 - 2) and identify the correct application of the product rule.

See Solution

Problem 531

Find the equation of a curve with dydx=42yx13\frac{dy}{dx} = 42yx^{13} and yy-intercept at 2.

See Solution

Problem 532

Show that for positive real numbers uu and vv, and a positive real number a1a \neq 1, loga(uv)=logaulogav\log_{a}\left(\frac{u}{v}\right) = \log_{a}u - \log_{a}v.

See Solution

Problem 533

Find the logarithm of 1.6.

See Solution

Problem 534

Find the derivative of f(x)=(x3+x2)tanxf(x) = (x^{3} + x^{2})^{\tan x} using logarithmic differentiation.

See Solution

Problem 535

(a) Find the largest δ\delta such that x1<δ|x-1|<\delta implies 4x4<0.5|4x-4|<0.5. (b) Find the largest δ\delta such that x1<δ|x-1|<\delta implies 4x4<0.05|4x-4|<0.05.

See Solution

Problem 536

Quantity with initial value of 8900 grows exponentially at 65%65\% per hour. Find the value after 411 minutes, rounded to nearest hundredth.

See Solution

Problem 537

Find the equation of the secant line for the natural logarithm function f(x)=ln(x)f(x) = \ln(x) on the interval [1,7][1, 7].

See Solution

Problem 538

Find the function y(x)y(x) that satisfies the first-order differential equation y=ysinxy' = y \sin x, where y=πecosxy = \pi e^{-\cos x} is a solution.

See Solution

Problem 539

Find the antiderivative of R(x)=100ex+5(1+ex+5)2R(x) = \frac{100 e^{x+5}}{(1+e^{x+5})^2}, where xx is the natural log of a histamine dose in mM. Evaluate the antiderivative at x=8.9x=-8.9 and round to 3 decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 540

Evaluate the indefinite integral 2arccos(7x)149x2dx=\int \frac{2 \arccos (7 x)}{\sqrt{1-49 x^{2}}} d x = C$

See Solution

Problem 541

Find the maximum value of the quadratic function y=3x2+12x9y = -3x^2 + 12x - 9. The vertex is at xvertex=b/2ax_{\text{vertex}} = -b/2a, and the maximum value is y=3y = 3.

See Solution

Problem 542

Find the value of cosh(3ln3)sinh(3ln3)\cosh(3\ln 3) - \sinh(3\ln 3).

See Solution

Problem 543

Exercise 1: Limits 3) Write the reference limits of the function lnx\ln x 4) Using these limits, calculate the limits of the following functions at the bounds of their domain: a) f(x)=x22+lnxf(x)=x^{2}-2+\ln x b) g(x)=x2+(2lnx)2g(x)=x^{2}+(2-\ln x)^{2} c) h(x)=ln(x+2)1+x2h(x)=\frac{\ln (x+2)}{1+x^{2}} d) l(x)=x(lnx)2l(x)=x(\ln x)^{2}
Exercise 2: Derivative and sign study of the derivative Calculate the derivative function of the following functions and study the sign of the derivative: 4) f(x)=1+(lnx)2f(x)=-1+(\ln x)^{2} 5) g(x)=lnxx+1g(x)=\ln \frac{x}{x+1} 6) h(x)=lnx2x+4h(x)=\ln \left|\frac{x-2}{x+4}\right|
Exercise 3: Complex numbers 3) Solve the equation z22iz2=0z^{2}-2 i z-2=0 in the set C\mathbb{C} of complex numbers 4) Let z1z_{1} and z2z_{2} be the solutions of this equation such that Re(z1)>Re(z2)\operatorname{Re}\left(z_{1}\right)>\operatorname{Re}\left(z_{2}\right).

See Solution

Problem 544

Find the largest possible value of f(15)f(15) if f(x)f(x) is continuous and differentiable on [6,15][6,15], f(6)=2f(6)=-2, and f(x)10f'(x) \leq 10 for all x[6,15]x \in [6,15].

See Solution

Problem 545

Find the minimum degree of a polynomial with exactly two inflection points.

See Solution

Problem 546

Find the value of f(81)f(81) for a continuous function ff that satisfies 0x4f(t)dt+0xf(t4)dt=x\int_{0}^{x^{4}} f(t) dt + \int_{0}^{x} f(t^{4}) dt = x for all xx.

See Solution

Problem 547

Find the limit of the expression (4x5x)/(3x4x)(4^x - 5^x) / (3^x - 4^x) as xx approaches infinity.

See Solution

Problem 548

Evaluate the definite integral 107x1+x4dx\int_{-1}^{0} \frac{7 x}{1+x^{4}} d x and select the correct answer.

See Solution

Problem 549

Find the linear approximation of cos8\cos 8 about x0=12x_0 = \frac{1}{2} for the function f(x)=cos(2x)f(x) = \cos(2x).

See Solution

Problem 550

Find the value of 2sinh(2lnx)2 \sinh (2 \ln x) when x=ex=e.

See Solution

Problem 551

Find the linear approximation of f(x)=x1/4f(x) = x^{1/4} at x0=2x_0 = 2. Select the correct answer.

See Solution

Problem 552

Particle travels along x-axis with velocity v(t)=t0.3+4cos(2t)v(t) = t^{0.3} + 4 \cos(2t). Given x=5x = -5 at t=3.5t = 3.5, find x(4)x(4), v(4)v(4), a(4)a(4) and analyze motion. Round to nearest thousandth.

See Solution

Problem 553

Evaluate the exponential function f(x)=52xf(x) = 5^{2x} when x=1x = -1.

See Solution

Problem 554

Find the derivative of f(x)=x11f(x) = x^{11}.

See Solution

Problem 555

Find the derivative f(x)f'(x) of f(x)=x2ln(124x2)f(x) = x^2 \ln(12 - 4x^2) and its domain.

See Solution

Problem 556

Find f(x)f(x) when f(x)=f'(x) = x22x+1 x^2 - 2x + 1 anddeterminethebehaviorof and determine the behavior of f(x)$.

See Solution

Problem 557

Find the derivative of f(x)=g(x)x2f(x) = \frac{g(x)}{x^{2}} when g(2)=2g(2) = -2 and g(2)=2g'(2) = 2.

See Solution

Problem 558

Evaluate the indefinite integral 9x2lnxdx\int 9 x^{2} \ln x d x.

See Solution

Problem 559

Find the second derivative of the secant function with respect to xx.

See Solution

Problem 560

Rewrite the exponential equation P=493(0.38)tP=493(0.38)^{t} in the form P=P0ektP=P_{0} e^{k t}. Find the values of P0P_{0} and kk.

See Solution

Problem 561

Evaluate the indefinite integral 2x2+5x52+1xdx\int \frac{2 x^{2}+5 x^{\frac{5}{2}}+1}{x} d x.

See Solution

Problem 562

Solve the exponential equation 10e4x5=1310e^{-\frac{4x}{5}} = 13 for xx.

See Solution

Problem 563

Describe how f(2)=4f'(2) = 4 relates to the graph of f(x)=x32x2+5f(x) = x^3 - 2x^2 + 5, where f(x)f'(x) is the derivative.

See Solution

Problem 564

Use logarithmic differentiation to find the derivative dydx\frac{dy}{dx} of y=(2+x)3/xy = (2 + x)^{3/x}.

See Solution

Problem 565

Find h(2)h'(2) where h(x)=f(g(x))h(x)=f(g(x)), ff and gg are differentiable, and f(2)=3f(2)=-3, f(2)=4f'(2)=4, f(5)=4f(5)=-4, f(5)=5f'(5)=5, g(2)=5g(2)=5, g(2)=5g'(2)=-5, g(4)=4g(-4)=4, g(4)=4g'(-4)=-4.

See Solution

Problem 566

Calculate R=ln(h1/h2)R=\ln(h_1/h_2) given h1=24.1±0.1 cmh_1=24.1\pm0.1\mathrm{~cm} and h2=12.8±0.1 cmh_2=12.8\pm0.1\mathrm{~cm}. Select the correct value of RR.

See Solution

Problem 567

Sami measured physical quantities X±ΔX,Y±ΔY,Z±ΔZX \pm \Delta X, Y \pm \Delta Y, Z \pm \Delta Z. To calculate R=4(Z7Y4)/(X7)R=4 (Z^{7} Y^{4})/(X^{7}), ΔR/R\Delta R/R is given by option a: 14ΔZ/Z+16ΔY/Y14ΔX/X14 \Delta Z/Z + 16 \Delta Y/Y - 14 \Delta X/X.

See Solution

Problem 568

Solve the exponential equation ey=x+2e^{y}=x+2 for yy in terms of xx.

See Solution

Problem 569

Find the rate of change of monthly revenue RR with respect to the number of completed responses xx when x=1000x=1000, given R(x)=12000+155x2+30xR(x)=-12000+15\sqrt{5x^2+30x} and the number of responses is increasing by 5 per month.

See Solution

Problem 570

Find the minimum marginal cost of the cost function C(x)=2x35x2+7x+6C(x) = 2x^3 - 5x^2 + 7x + 6. The minimum marginal cost is $\$ \square.

See Solution

Problem 571

Find the equation of the line passing through (2,2) and parallel to the tangent line of y=3x32xy=-3 x^{3}-2 x at (1,5)(-1,5), where y=12x2y=\frac{1}{2}-x^{2} and the tangents are perpendicular.

See Solution

Problem 572

Solve the exponential equation ex5+4=7e^{\frac{x}{5}}+4=7 for the value of xx.

See Solution

Problem 573

Solve the equation 2e3x2+4=162 e^{3x - 2} + 4 = 16

See Solution

Problem 574

Find the derivative of y=ekx2y=e^{-k x^{2}} with respect to xx, where kk is a constant.

See Solution

Problem 575

Find the derivative of the inverse function f1(x)f^{-1}(x) of f(x)=3+2x+exf(x)=3+2x+e^x evaluated at x=4x=4.

See Solution

Problem 576

Find yy' given sin(x)=ey\sin(x) = e^y, where options are tan(x)-\tan(x), tan(x)\tan(x), cot(x)\cot(x), cot(x)-\cot(x).

See Solution

Problem 577

Find the value of g(f(x))g(f(x)) when f(x)=exf(x)=e^{x} and g(x)=ln(x)g(x)=\ln(x).

See Solution

Problem 578

Find the 99th derivative of y=sin(x)y = \sin(x).

See Solution

Problem 579

Find the derivative of x2+42x3\frac{\sqrt{x^{2}+4}}{2x-3} with respect to xx.

See Solution

Problem 580

Find the net change and average rate of change between points (1,1)(-1,1) and (5,1)(5,1) on the given function's graph.

See Solution

Problem 581

Find the derivative of f(x)f(x) at x=π/4x = \pi/4 if ef(x)=cos(x)e^{f(x)} = \cos(x).

See Solution

Problem 582

Calculate the total profit of a 250 ft deep well using the marginal profit function P(x)=4x4P'(x) = 4 \sqrt[4]{x}. Set up the integral and solve for the total profit.
P(250)=02504x4dx P(250) = \int_{0}^{250} 4 \sqrt[4]{x} \, dx
The total profit is $2,000.00\$2,000.00.

See Solution

Problem 583

Differentiate y=x5exy = x^{5} e^{x} to find yy'.

See Solution

Problem 584

Find the derivative of F(x)=(g(3x))F(x) = (g(3x)) at x=2x = 2, given f(3)=6f(3) = 6, f(3)=8f'(3) = 8, g(6)=8g(6) = -8, and g(6)=3g'(6) = 3.

See Solution

Problem 585

Find the derivative of a function expressed as a composite of other functions using the Chain Rule. a. Given y=(u/2)+6y=(u/2)+6 and u=2x12u=2x-12, find dydu\frac{dy}{du}. dydu=12\frac{dy}{du}=\frac{1}{2}

See Solution

Problem 586

Find the values of aa, bb, and cc such that the integral 01(x+3)ex2+6x+5dx\int_{0}^{1}(x+3) e^{x^{2}+6 x+5} d x can be expressed as abceudu\int_{a}^{b} c e^{u} d u.

See Solution

Problem 587

Find the derivative of the function g(u)=u+12u1g(u) = \frac{u+1}{2u-1} using the definition of derivative. State the domain of g(u)g(u) and its derivative in interval notation.

See Solution

Problem 588

Find the derivative of 3x(2x+1)33x(2x+1)^3.

See Solution

Problem 589

Find the derivative of y with respect to x evaluated at x=1 for the following functions: (21) y=2x1x+3y=\frac{2 x-1}{x+3}, (22) y=5x2x2+3y=\frac{5 x-2}{x^{2}+3}, (23) y=(3x+2x)(x5+1)y=\left(\frac{3 x+2}{x}\right)\left(x^{-5}+1\right), (24) y=(2x7x2)(x1x+1)y=\left(2 x^{7}-x^{2}\right)\left(\frac{x-1}{x+1}\right).

See Solution

Problem 590

The point is moving along x3y2=72x^{3}y^{2}=72. When at (2,3)(2,3), the xx-coordinate changes at -5 units/min. Find the rate of change of the yy-coordinate.
dydt=\frac{dy}{dt}= (Type an integer or a fraction. Simplify your answer.)

See Solution

Problem 591

What is the value of xx that satisfies 7lnx=2.47 \cdot \ln x=2.4? (Round to two decimal places.) A. x=18.48x=18.48 B. x=99.48x=99.48 C. x=1.98x=1.98 D. x=1.41x=1.41

See Solution

Problem 592

Calculate g(4)g(4) and g(4)g'(4) where g(x)g(x) is the inverse of f(x)=x2+6xf(x)=\sqrt{x^2+6x} for x0x \geq 0.

See Solution

Problem 593

Find the indefinite integral of 6x+109x\frac{6}{x}+\frac{10}{9\sqrt{x}} on the positive real numbers. Translate the password using sin(2x)\sin(2x) and a\sqrt{a}.

See Solution

Problem 594

Convert exponential equation y=2.2(3.74)xy=2.2(3.74)^x to y=aebxy=a e^{b x}. Round aa to 2.20 and bb to 1.32.

See Solution

Problem 595

An arrow is shot upward at 80 ft/s from a 25 ft platform. The path is h=16t2+80t+25h=-16t^{2}+80t+25, where hh is height and tt is time. Find the maximum height.

See Solution

Problem 596

Find the values of AA and BB that make the piecewise function f(x)f(x) differentiable at x=0x=0, where f(x)=x2+1f(x) = x^2 + 1 for x0x \geq 0, and f(x)=Asinx+Bcosxf(x) = A \sin x + B \cos x for x<0x < 0.

See Solution

Problem 597

Evaluate the integral 98+9xdx\int \frac{9}{8+9 x} d x for x89x \neq -\frac{8}{9}. Type the exact answer.

See Solution

Problem 598

Determine the inflection points and extrema of the function f(x)=18x3+34x2f(x) = \frac{1}{8} x^{3} + \frac{3}{4} x^{2}. Sketch the graph.

See Solution

Problem 599

Find the derivative of f(x)=xf(x)=\sqrt{x} using the definition of the derivative.

See Solution

Problem 600

Find the unit tangent vector and length of the curve r(t)=6t3i+2t3j3t3k\mathbf{r}(t) = 6t^3\mathbf{i} + 2t^3\mathbf{j} - 3t^3\mathbf{k} for 1t21 \leq t \leq 2. The unit tangent vector is (67)i+(27)j+(37)k(\frac{6}{7})\mathbf{i} + (\frac{2}{7})\mathbf{j} + (-\frac{3}{7})\mathbf{k}, and the length is 979\sqrt{7} units.

See Solution

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