
Problem 1

Calculate 318 31 - 8 .

See Solution

Problem 2

Calculate 25÷4 -2^{5} \div 4 .

See Solution

Problem 3

Calculate (4+27)32 (4+27)-32 .

See Solution

Problem 4

Calculate 318 31 - 8 .

See Solution

Problem 5

Calculate (4+27)324 (4+27)-\frac{32}{4} .

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Problem 6

Calculate 25÷4-2^{5} \div 4.

See Solution

Problem 7

Calculate 32÷4-32 \div 4.

See Solution

Problem 8

Calculate ((14×22)+33)254 \left((1^{4} \times 2^{2})+3^{3}\right)-\frac{2^{5}}{4} .

See Solution

Problem 9

Calculate 31324 31 - \frac{32}{4}

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Problem 10

Calculate 14×22+33 1^{4} \times 2^{2} + 3^{3} .

See Solution

Problem 11

Calculate 1×471 \times 4 - 7.

See Solution

Problem 12

Calculate ((14×22)+33)(25÷4) \left((1^{4} \times 2^{2})+3^{3}\right)-(2^{5} \div 4) .

See Solution

Problem 13

Calculate 3132÷4 31 - 32 \div 4 .

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Problem 14

Convert the following Roman numerals to Arabic numerals: III, VII, XIV, XVI, XIX, XXI, XXIX, XXXV, XLIII, XLVII, LII, LIX.

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Problem 15

What is the difference between 20,400,000 and 2,400,000? Round the answer to the nearest hundred thousand.

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Problem 16

Find the difference between 20,400,000 and 2,400,000, then round to the nearest hundred thousand.

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Problem 17

How many cans of Coke are left after selling 862,456 from 2,564,546? Round to the nearest ten thousand.

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Problem 18

Calculate the total of sales volumes: 2,525 million, 4,716 million, 7,241 million, and 9,096 million.

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Problem 19

12. Hitung 7(5)+(2)×4=7-(-5)+(-2) \times 4=\ldots
13. Temukan nilai 64364+36\sqrt[3]{64}-\sqrt{64}+\sqrt{36} adalah .............

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Problem 20

Di sebuah kota terdapat 300 bola plastik: 230 berwarna putih, 40 bola besar. Jumlah bola besar 80. Hitung bola kecil tidak kuning. A. 30

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Problem 21

What is the sum of the series 2345101-2-3-4-5-\cdots-101?

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Problem 22

In Midas Corporation, with 95 shares at a selling price of \$170 and total expenses of \$780, find the net proceeds.

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Problem 23

Calculate 6×Rm 910÷46 \times Rm\ 910 \div 4.

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Problem 24

Calculate the expression (7+4)[(9+2)(43)](-7+4)-[(-9+2)-(4-3)].

See Solution

Problem 25

Calculate the expression (13)[(7)(9)+8(39)](-1-3) \cdot[(-7) \cdot(-9)+8 \cdot(3-9)].

See Solution

Problem 26

Calculate the result of 525 - 2.

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Problem 27

Soit nn un entier. Trouve l'entier précédent et suivant de nn. Prouve que la somme de 3 entiers consécutifs est un multiple de 3.

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Problem 28

Find the number that is the "opposite" of 7 among \{46, 48, 49, 44\}.

See Solution

Problem 29

Identify the even number from this list: 113-144, 330366330-366, 471-510, 890899890-899.

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Problem 30

Identify the odd number from this list: 782, 984, 102, 633.

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Problem 31

The next odd number after 37 is: 39.

See Solution

Problem 32

a) Calculate 5(1)-5-(-1). b) Verify if 5(7)=12-5-(-7)=-12. c) Find the result of 4+(10)4+(-10).

See Solution

Problem 33

Convert the decimal number 4025 to base 4.

See Solution

Problem 34

Calculate: 9+(15)-9 + (-15)

See Solution

Problem 35

Calculate: 12(10)-12 - (-10)

See Solution

Problem 36

Calculate 30÷(6)-30 \div (-6).

See Solution

Problem 37

Calculate 82-8 \cdot 2.

See Solution

Problem 38

Calculate the product of 1-1 and 7-7.

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Problem 39

Is 729 divisible by 7? Circle: 729729 is divisible by 77 or 729729 is NOT divisible by 77.

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Problem 40

Circle the smallest number: 5,211,528,706, 6,078,934, 340,987,126, 349,726,390,418.

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Problem 41

Finde die Zahlen 12, 40, 54 und 60, die folgende Bedingungen erfüllen: a) Vielfaches von 4 und durch 6 teilbar. b) Teiler 2, 3 und 4, und Vielfaches von 5. c) Durch 3 teilbar, aber nicht durch 4. d) Erstelle eine ähnliche Aufgabe.

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Problem 42

Calculate the product of -6 and -12. What is 612-6 \cdot -12?

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Problem 43

What is the value of 110-11^{0}?

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Problem 44

56 is 7 times a number. What is that number? Calculate: 56÷7=56 \div 7 =

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Problem 45

Calculate 37+1537 + -15.

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Problem 46

Bestimme, durch welche der folgenden Zahlen 6 teilbar ist: 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

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Problem 47

Calculate (87429756)×36÷(43564360)(8742-9756) \times 36 \div (4356-4360).

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Problem 48

Calculate 168:(1724)×(13+15)168:(17-24) \times(-13+15).

See Solution

Problem 49

Calculate 168:(1724)×(19+15)168:(17-24) \times(-19+15).

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Problem 50

Calculate 24×(240÷((36+40)×(23+17)))24 \times \left( 240 \div ((-36 + 40) \times (-23 + 17)) \right).

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Problem 51

Calculate 420÷(7)+7030×(8)+15420 \div (-7) + 70 - 30 \times (-8) + 15.

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Problem 52

Convert 82+81+18^{2}+8^{1}+1 to base two and choose the correct answer: A) 1000012100001_{2} B) 1010012101001_{2} C) 100100121001001_{2} D) 101000121010001_{2}.

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Problem 53

Convert the base 5 number 534,4215534,-421_{5} to decimal. What is the result? A) 53 B) 61 C) 63 D) 71

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Problem 54

Find the difference between -2 and 3. What is the difference between timelines for BCB C and ADA D vs. a number line? How many years are between 2BC2 \mathrm{BC} and 3AD3 \mathrm{AD}? Give another real-life example similar to (ii) but not like (i).

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Problem 55

Calculate the expression: 5(2)+1520(18)5 - (-2) + 15 - 20 - (-18). What is the result?

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Problem 56

Calculate the product of 497 and 87. What is 497×87497 \times 87?

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Problem 57

Find two smaller consecutive odd integers if the sum of three is 51 and the greatest is represented by x+1x+1.

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Problem 58

Evaluate 7293\sqrt[3]{-729}. What is the result? A) -2187 B) not a real number C) 9 D) -9

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Problem 59

What is the sum of all even integers from 100 to 300? A. 10,100 B. 20,200 C. 22,650 D. 40,200 E. 45,150

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Problem 60

A building's height is 180 m180 \mathrm{~m}. What is the maximum absolute error if this is rounded to the nearest meter?

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Problem 61

Chia các lớp 6A (32 học sinh), 6B (48 học sinh), 6C (40 học sinh) thành nhóm. Tìm số nhóm tối đa và số nhóm có thể chia.

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Problem 62

Qui a le plus d'argent entre Lizzy (500 frs), Jean (50 frs) et Fifi (700 frs) ?

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Problem 63

Compute Mrs. Bindhani's income from salary for 2023-24 based on her emoluments and allowances in 2022-23.

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Problem 64

Evaluate the following expressions: (a) 8×28 \times -2 (b) 8×2-8 \times 2 (c) 8×28 \times -2 (d) 8×2-8 \times -2.

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Problem 65

Find the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures if it was 8C-8^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, rose 7C7^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, then dropped 9C9^{\circ} \mathrm{C}.

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Problem 66

Solve for the sum: what is (+8)+(2)(+8) + (-2)?

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Problem 67

Calculate: 2+(5)=-2 + (-5) =

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Problem 68

Determine the sign of the expression 289+311-289 + 311.

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Problem 69

What is the sign of 123123+(123123)123 \frac{1}{23} + (-123 \frac{1}{23})?

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Problem 70

Calculate 32×81+251632 \times 81 + 2516 and verify if it equals 25482548.

See Solution

Problem 71

Calculate 457278457 - 278. What is the result?

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Problem 72

Graph the points -2, 4, and 14 on the number line.

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Problem 73

Calculate 42×9×164×92×164×9×1624×9×16\frac{\sqrt{4^{2} \times 9 \times 16} \cdot \sqrt{4 \times 9^{2} \times 16} \cdot \sqrt{4 \times 9 \times 16^{2}}}{\sqrt{4 \times 9 \times 16}}. Choose the correct answer: (a) 12824 (b) 13824 (c) 23724 (d) 15924 (e) None.

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Problem 74

Which of these numbers is not divisible by 10: 150, 60, 220, or 502?

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Problem 75

Calculate the value of 23×225=\frac{2^{3} \times 2}{2^{5}}=

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Problem 76

Calculate 4 times 362. What is the result?

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Problem 77

What is the total weight of 7 airplanes if one weighs 40,823 kg? Calculate: 7×408237 \times 40823.

See Solution

Problem 78

Evaluate prn+m\frac{p r}{n}+m for m=32m=-32, n=2n=2, p=8p=-8, and r=4r=4.

See Solution

Problem 79

Find the GCF of the following pairs: a. 15 and 200, b. 123 and 41.

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Problem 80

Identify the number from \{4817, 7518, 70897, 8721\} where 7's value is 10 times 5's value in 45764.

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Problem 81

Convert and explain the equivalence of the expression: 8+(22)-8 + (22).

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Problem 82

Convert 3(55)3(-55) into an equivalent expression and explain the equivalence.

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Problem 83

Find the next 3 numbers in these sequences: (a) 21, 16, 11, (b) 4,12,36,1084, 12, 36, 108.

See Solution

Problem 84

An optic fibre cable is 860 m860 \mathrm{~m} (nearest 10 m10 \mathrm{~m}). Each piece is 36 cm36 \mathrm{~cm} (nearest cm\mathrm{cm}). Find max nn.

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Problem 85

Calculate 728+4072_{8}+40.

See Solution

Problem 86

Calculate the difference between Adib's RM 20457 and Ali's RM 654 savings in base seven.

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Problem 87

Adib has RM 2045 and Ali has RM 654. Find the difference in their total savings in base seven.

See Solution

Problem 88

Calculate: 12+7=-12 + 7 =

See Solution

Problem 89

Calculate 15(8)15 - (-8).

See Solution

Problem 90

Calculate 19+(23)19 + (-23).

See Solution

Problem 91

Calculate 84133084841 - 33084.

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Problem 92

Is the value of 9 in 1,934 ten times greater than the value of 3? Explain using 10×310 \times 3.

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Problem 93

Find the weight of 950 gallons of water, knowing water weighs 1 gram/cm³. Convert gallons to cm³ first.

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Problem 94

Calculate (6×2)÷3(-6 \times 2) \div -3.

See Solution

Problem 95

Find the maximum number of pieces nn from an 860 m860 \mathrm{~m} cable cut into lengths of 36 cm36 \mathrm{~cm} each.

See Solution

Problem 96

Calculate the sum: 5+(4)+6+(1)+5+(8)-5 + (-4) + 6 + (-1) + 5 + (-8).

See Solution

Problem 97

Three friends buy 3 toys for Rs.30, get Rs.5 discount, take Rs.1 each, give Rs.2 to a beggar. Where's the missing Rs.1?

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Problem 98

Order vacationers by their position relative to sea level: Nico (-11), Eric (-4), Angela (0), Darrell (5), Paulina (16).

See Solution

Problem 99

What is the greatest common factor of 10 and 88?

See Solution

Problem 100

Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 10 and 6.

See Solution

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