Natural Numbers

Problem 1

Calculate (1×4)+27 (1 \times 4) + 27 .

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Problem 2

Calculate 1×4+271 \times 4 + 27.

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Problem 3

Solve for x x in the equation: 1+2=x 1 + 2 = x .

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Problem 4

Calculate the sum: 500+300+200 500 + 300 + 200 .

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Problem 5

Solve for xx in the equation 2+3=x2 + 3 = x.

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Problem 6

Kelipatan persekutuan 6 dan 9 yang kurang dari 40 adalah 6,12,18,24,30,366, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36.

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Problem 7

Una pasticceria ha 12 confezioni di 6 uova e già 23 uova. Quante uova ha in totale? Calcola 12×6+2312 \times 6 + 23.

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Problem 8

Calculate 17×5+317 \times 5 + 3.

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Problem 9

Digite o número que falta na sequência: 1,2,,8,16,321, 2, \square, 8, 16, 32.

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Problem 10

Calculate 6206 * 20.

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Problem 11

Ms. Mhurn Talagon bought 50 ACTS bonds. What is her total investment if the commission is \$155.00?

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Problem 12

Sergio tiene 4 cajas con 4 filas y 4 jarras por fila. ¿Cuántas jarras hay en total? 4×4×44 \times 4 \times 4

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Problem 13

How many years are in a decade? Options: 10, 5, 20, 15.

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Problem 14

Identify which option is not a subset of real numbers: Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Rational numbers, or none of the above.

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Problem 15

Calculate 15×1015 \times 10.

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Problem 16

Calculate the product of 15 and 70. What is 15×7015 \times 70?

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Problem 17

Circle the highlighted digit and state its value:
4. 2,850,122,850,12 tens
5. 2,905,1462,905,146 hundred thousands

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Problem 18

Calculate 3×93 \times 9.

See Solution

Problem 19

How many computers were delivered to the third store if 28,500 were assembled and 9,300 and 6,860 went to the first two stores?

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Problem 20

Write 814,496 in words.

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Problem 21

How many trucks does a factory produce in 8 days at 18 trucks per day? Calculate 8×188 \times 18.

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Problem 22

A 15-ml nasal spray has 20 sprays/ml, each with 1.5mg1.5 \mathrm{mg}. (a) Total sprays? (b) Total mg of drug in the package?

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Problem 23

In a shop, a ruler costs \$5 and a pen costs \$6. If Peter has \$200, how many rulers and pens can he buy at most?

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Problem 24

What is 253176253 - 176?

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Problem 25

What is the probability of landing on a number that is a multiple of 2 and 3 when spinning a 14-section spinner?

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Problem 26

Find the sum of the series: 1+2+3++3041 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + 304.

See Solution

Problem 27

El dígito de las unidades en 324173^{2417} es:

See Solution

Problem 28

Find the missing number in 86114 - 437 - 2 = 42362.

See Solution

Problem 29

Calculate the product of 89 and 22.

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Problem 30

Add the numbers 42153 and 50247. What is the sum?

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Problem 31

Kotak mengandungi butang putih, hitam, kuning, dan biru yang sama bilangan. Jika totalnya 123, kira jumlah butang putih, hitam, dan kuning.

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Problem 32

Bài 1: Tìm số tự nhiên xx sao cho xx chia hết cho 1515, 3030, 454550<x<14050 < x < 140.
Bài 2: Tìm số tự nhiên x\mathrm{x} sao cho 88:x88: \mathrm{x}, 40:x40: \mathrm{x}, 56:x56: \mathrm{x}x4\mathrm{x} \geq 4.

See Solution

Problem 33

Find the missing numbers in the sequence 81, 82, 84, 86 on a number line from 81 to 100, increasing by 2 each time.

See Solution

Problem 34

Rachel has 17 apples. After giving 9 to Sarah, how many apples does she have left?

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Problem 35

Can you reach '24' by pressing x2x 2 and ÷(2)\div(-2)? If yes, what is the minimum number of presses for each?

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Problem 36

Calculate 32×6132 \times 61 and add 192192 to get the final result. What is the answer?

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Problem 37

Calculate 32×8132 \times 81.

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Problem 38

Clarify the relationship between 125, 12, and 250, then calculate 125×12125 \times 12.

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Problem 39

What is the result of 68×5÷368 \times 5 \div 3?

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Problem 40

Calculate: 100+400+6?2100 + 400 + 6 \, ? \, 2 and 42+65442 + 65 - 4. What is the result?

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Problem 41

Identify the pattern starting with 5 that follows "subtract 2, then multiply by 3": a. 5,7,21,695,7,21,69 b. 5,2,4,1,25,2,4,1,2 c. 5,15,13,39,375,15,13,39,37 d. 5,3,9,7,21,195,3,9,7,21,19

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Problem 42

Ungkapkan 3×74+2×73+53 \times 7^{4}+2 \times 7^{3}+5 dalam bentuk nombor asas tujuh.

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Problem 43

Adrianna starts with 100 pieces of gum, shares 10 strawberry and 10 bubble gum. How many does she have left?

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Problem 44

What is the place value of '2' in 9,150,245?

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Problem 45

What is the place value of '6' in 81,465?

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Problem 46

What is the place value of '9' in 591,308?

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Problem 47

What is the place value of '1' in 81,955,320?

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Problem 48

An Entrepreneur Club makes 35 soap bars weekly, sells at RM20 each, with 6 bars lost to mice. Total sales in 4 weeks?

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Problem 49

Edward has 18 apples and 16 oranges for 26 friends. How many fruits will he have left after sharing?

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Problem 50

Jill scored 3 points for each of 18 correct MC questions and 5 points for each of 6 correct short response questions. What is her total score?

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Problem 51

Find xx if 950×6=x950 \times 6 = x.

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Problem 52

Compare the value of 3 in the ten thousands place to that in the thousands place: 3 in ten thousands is \_\_\_ times 3 in thousands.

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Problem 53

Which statements about the value of digit 3 in 3,928 are correct? A. 100x in 7,031 B. 110\frac{1}{10} in 31,064 C. 100x in 1,039 D. 1100\frac{1}{100} in 24,930 E. 10x in 4,253.

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Problem 54

Write the number 407 in word form.

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Problem 55

What is the result of 65+265 + 2?

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Problem 56

Calculate the sum: 65+265 + 2.

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Problem 57

Calculate 65+265 + 2. Is the answer an integer? Yes or No?

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Problem 58

Find three pairs of numbers where the LCM of each pair is 24.

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Problem 59

Find the LCM of these pairs: (a) 12 and 15, (b) 6 and 28.

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Problem 60

Calculate 9×21,8769 \times 21,876.

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Problem 61

Calculate the product of 66 and 12,34512,345.

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Problem 62

Mrs. Chan takes 13,564 steps daily for 4 days. Find the total steps: 13,564×413,564 \times 4.

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Problem 63

Tìm số tự nhiên 2 chữ số sao cho thêm 5 bên trái tạo số lớn hơn 26 lần số ban đầu.

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Problem 64

Calculate: 5 times 10, 50 times 10, and 500 times 10.

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Problem 65

Numărul xyz\overline{x y z} satisface xyz=xy+yz+zx\overline{x y z}=\overline{x y}+\overline{y z}+\overline{z x}. a) Poate x=2x=2? Justifică. b) Găsește xyz\overline{x y z}.

See Solution

Problem 66

Tukar 3248324_{8} kepada nombor dalam asas dua.

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Problem 67

Find the LCM of the numbers 1, 1, and 9.

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Problem 68

What is 21921 - 9?

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Problem 69

Describe the set of all integers starting from 10: {10,11,12,13,}\{10, 11, 12, 13, \ldots\}.

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Problem 70

Calculate 32×9032 \times 90.

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Problem 71

Identify the set of natural numbers between 18 and 157. Choose from: A. {19,20,,156}\{19,20,\ldots,156\} B. {,18,,157,}\{\ldots, 18,\ldots, 157, \ldots\} C. {,19,,156,}\{\ldots, 19,\ldots,156, \ldots\} D. {19,156}\{19,156\} E. {18,157}\{18,157\} F. {18,,157}\{18,\ldots,157\} G. \varnothing

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Problem 72

What is the sum of 5 and 9?

See Solution

Problem 73

What is 1+11 + 1?

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Problem 74

Roger leaves home at 7:56 A.M., walks 7 min to the subway, then rides 26 min. What time does he arrive at the bank?

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Problem 75

Find the quotient of 927 divided by 3: 3 \longdiv { 9 2 7 }.

See Solution

Problem 76

Round 673,432 to the nearest thousand, focusing on the underlined digit 33.

See Solution

Problem 77

Calculate the sum of 437 and 248. What is 437+248437 + 248?

See Solution

Problem 78

Dante has 9 times John's 29 counters. How many counters does Dante have?

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Problem 79

Divide 14 by 532.

See Solution

Problem 80

Complete the area model and then calculate 24×3524 \times 35 using the standard algorithm.

See Solution

Problem 81

Find the greatest common factor of 20, 12, and 1818.

See Solution

Problem 82

Write two numbers where the digit 7 in the second number is 10 times the value of the digit 7 in the first number.

See Solution

Problem 83

Identify the two whole numbers between which 54\sqrt{54} lies and justify your answer.

See Solution

Problem 84

Determine the two whole numbers between which 98\sqrt{98} lies. Justify your answer and position 98\sqrt{98} on the number line.

See Solution

Problem 85

Determine the two consecutive whole numbers that 10\sqrt{10} falls between. Explain your reasoning.

See Solution

Problem 86

Find the two consecutive whole numbers between which 93\sqrt{93} lies.

See Solution

Problem 87

Find two consecutive whole numbers that 52\sqrt{52} is between and justify your answer.

See Solution

Problem 88

Find the two whole numbers between which 12\sqrt{12} lies and justify your answer.

See Solution

Problem 89

Angela lee 51 páginas al día de un libro de 663 páginas. ¿Cuántos días tardará en superar la página 482?

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Problem 90

Find the two whole numbers between which 40\sqrt{40} lies. Fill in the blanks: 40\sqrt{40} is between ___ and ___.

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Problem 91

Calcula el dinero total en 13x13x13 canastas de cerveza, cada una con 30 unidades que se venden a 2500 pesos.

See Solution

Problem 92

Calculate the sum of 1 and 1. What is 1+11 + 1?

See Solution

Problem 93

Hitung (a) sewa bulanan dan (b) pulangan pelaburan jika inap desa dijual RM500,000 selepas setahun.

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Problem 94

Find the square roots of these numbers: (a) 81, (b) 16, (c) 25, (d) 100.

See Solution

Problem 95

Calculate the sum of 1 and 7. What is 1+71 + 7?

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Problem 96

A farmer has planted 215 trees and wants a total of 350. How many more trees does he need to plant?

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Problem 97

กำหนดเลขโดด 6 ตัว คือ 2,3,5,6,7,92,3,5,6,7,9 เขียนเลขสามหลักไม่ซ้ำกัน 10.1 จำนวนทั้งหมด 10.2 น้อยกว่า 400 10.3 เลขคู่ 10.4 เลขคี่

See Solution

Problem 98

Calculate the sum of 520 and 286. What is 520+286520 + 286?

See Solution

Problem 99

Add the numbers 179 and 253. What is the sum?

See Solution

Problem 100

Calculate the sum of 647 and 206. What is 647+206647 + 206?

See Solution

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